XOR Files With Python


This is a simple script, written in Python, that perform a logical exclusion, XOR, on two files and saves the result in the destination file. It is one of the most simple and effective tool in my forensics-toolbox. I used this tool several times for example to recover data from a broken RAID 5 or deobfuscate an obfuscated binary or image. The usage is very simple and intuitive.
You can find the full code and examples in the repository.

Have fun!

# Powershell XOR 2 Files
# xor.py
# Jul 2016
# Website: http://www.Megabeets.net
# Use: ./xor.py file1 file2 outputFile
# Example: ./xor.py C:\a.txt C:\b.txt C:\result.txt

import sys

# Read two files as byte arrays
file1_b = bytearray(open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read())
file2_b = bytearray(open(sys.argv[2], 'rb').read())

# Set the length to be the smaller one
size = len(file1_b) if len(file1_b) < len(file2_b) else len(file2_b)
xord_byte_array = bytearray(size)

# XOR between the files
for i in range(size):
	xord_byte_array[i] = file1_b[i] ^ file2_b[i]

# Write the XORd bytes to the output file	
open(sys.argv[3], 'wb').write(xord_byte_array)

print "[*] %s XOR %s\n[*] Saved to \033[1;33m%s\033[1;m."%(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])


Click here for the Powershell Version.